External: The text in all the paragraphs is bold. It is bold because the external style sheet file defines that all text within the paragraph tag is to be bold. It is refenced through the link called in the head. This will affect every paragraph in every page that is linked to the external file. To view the external text file click here.

Embed: Now if you noticed, the first line of each of the paragraphs on this page has the first line indented 20 pixels from the left hand margin. This came about because I wrote the definition for the style in the head of this document. It will therefore only appear in this page and not in any other page.

Inline: Finally, the text in this paragraph is blue. I placed the style within this paragraph's tag. It only affects this one paragraph.

See, the color has returned to black without doing anything.

You can check the source of the page to see how this page was done.