Body Tag Attributes... example page

bgcolor="?" Sets the background color- use the name or hex #value.
The bgcolor of this page is:- bgcolor="#fdf5e6"

text="?" Sets the text color- use the name or hex #value.
The text color of this page is:- text="#660000"

link="?" Sets the color of links- use the name or hex #value.
The unvisted link color for this page is:- link="darkgreen"
example:- do not click

vlink="?" Sets the color of links followed- use the name or hex #value.
The visited link color for this page is:- vlink="purple"
example:- page you clicked on to get here

alink="?" Sets the color of links on click- use the name or hex #value.
The active link color for this page is:- alink="orangered"
example:- click this link

This is how the body tag would appear with all of the choices above inserted.

<body bgcolor="#fdf5e6" text="#660000" link="darkgreen" vlink="purple" alink="orangered">

It should be noted that browsers come with their own set of default colors for link, vlink and alink. The reason for changing these colors may depend on your background color or background image. They cannot click on what they cannot see. Remember though... you don't want to confuse the visitor, when possible use the default color scheme.

Hope that this helps you...

Author: Joseph Raymond

5th of April, 2001