Text ...examples page

Bold Italic Teletype Big
Small Subscription Superscription Blink
Font Size Font Color Basefont  

Bold Creates bold text using <b> with its closing tag </b> or use alt: <strong></strong>
This is normal text that jumps to bold and back again.
This is normal text that jumps to strong and back again.
Italic Creates italic text using <i> with its closing tag </i> or use alt: <em> emphasis </em>
This is normal text that jumps to italic and back again.
This is normal text that jumps to emphasis and back again.
Teletype Creates typewriter-style text using <tt> with its closing tag </tt>
This is normal text that changes to teletype and back again.
Big Causes text to be one size larger than normal using <big> with its closing tag </big>
This is normal text that becomes larger then regular again.
Small Causes text to be one size smaller than normal using <small> with its closing tag </small>
This is normal text that becomes smaller then regular again.
Subscription Causes text to be subscripted using <sub> with its closing tag </sub>
This is normal text that becomes subscripted then regular again.
Superscription Causes text to be superscripted using <sup> with its closing tag </sup>
This is normal text that becomes superscripted then regular again.
Blink Causes text to blink using <blink> with its closing tag </blink> (Netscape)
This is normal text, then blinking text, then regualr again.
Font Size Lets you increase / decrease a size value using <font size="?"> with its closing tag </font>
This is normal text, then font size using +1 then regular again.
This is normal text, then font size using -1 then regular again.
Use this to increase / decrease size values by one or more.

You can also call what size you want based on values 1 through 7 shown here below.
Size one , Size two, Size Three, Size Four
Size Five, Size Six, Size Seven.
Font Color Lets you assign a color value to the text using <font color="?"> with its closing tag </font>
This is normal text, then using named value green and regular again.
This is normal text, then using number value #008000 and regular again.

Note: You can use font color and size together as in <font color="green" size="5">text</font>
This is normal text, example and regular again.
Basefont Lets you assign document wide font values using <basefont size="?" color="?" face="?">, no closing tag. This tag should appear just below the body tag or in the head. If it appears further down the page all the text above above its placement will be normal and that beneath it will be what has been asked for. Color and size values are the same as for font above. What is new is the face attribute. By the way, it can also be included with the font tag if you wish.

What the face sets is the type of the font you want to use. Examples are helvitica, times new roman, arial, sans-serif, etc. Normally you would use several varieties with face="" and each font name would be separated by a comma. The reason for multiples is; not all browsers support every font face available. You have more chance that one of the fonts you would like displayed on the page will appear. If none of the choices are available the browser will use its own default font.

Note: color attribute will not work in Netscape4.

Hope that this helps you...

Author: Joseph Raymond

9th of April, 2001